Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I Broke from the Chains

... today as I stepped away from the doors of high school and into a fun filled summer. It was such a weight lifted off my shoulders to know that school is done for two months and I have nothing to worry about when it comes to marks.
Though, I know that's not the case for everyone. Some will have to suffer the unfortunate wrath of summer school. I have sympathy for those who just didn't understand it at the time and couldn't pass the class and must subject themselves to half a summer of more frustration. But, I know there are some that didn't even bother trying. Honestly, acting like an idiot and not doing your work just screws you over in the end... especially with classes that you need to graduate. So for those people, they deserve to suffer summer school.
Ugh.. summer school. The ultimate disappointment. You think you're free.. but then you remember that you still have to continue into your so-called vacation. I don't have anything against it, I just have this childhood idea of summer being a time of freedom, pools, beaches, hot dogs, late nights.. all the great things.
I felt pressured to go into summer school, because a few of my friends are (by choice). I was thinking about it, and how I could do an English credit so I don't have it next year. But I realized that I might as well enjoy this summer, while I'm still young and careless. I know I'm definitely going to miss being 16, and the summer of 16 only comes once. After that, you work, then you die. (People will point out retirement, but you can't exactly do all the things you could when you were young, due to mechanical restrictios of an old body).
So, I thought I'd enjoy my summer. I'd enjoy my friends. I'd enjoy my boyfriend. I'd enjoy everything that's new.
Oh well.. if you're in summer school, have fun.. I guess it is supposedly easier than actual class.

I'll take it next year.

For now, I'm just running through the forest with my eyes closed.

Well, as lame as I am.

- K

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